Loading docks are usually equipped with a hydraulic leveller, which is the most widespread given its versatility and how easily it connects to the lorry, thanks to its practical, folding lip (that perfectly adapts to the lorry’s container) and ease of operation.
The vertical dock is the best solution for facilities that aim to preserve the temperature inside the premises as it allows the doors of the lorry to be opened inside the building, thus preventing breaks in the cold chain while also ensuring no dirt, dust or insects enter the premises. At facilities where an inflatable shelter is also installed, the loading bay is even more efficiently insulated, leading to greater energy savings.
Another solution is a lift table, which is usually installed at facilities that need to move goods (vertical elevation) between different levels inside a warehouse, or when there are no connection ramps between the warehouse and the exterior.
Furthermore, the loading bay can be equipped with additional accessories that help to guarantee safety, prevent accidents and optimise the approach of lorries to the dock. These accessories include crash stops or bumpers (they cushion the blows the lorry may inflict on platforms, shelters or even the façade), guide tubes (they serve to guide the lorry) and chocks for lorries (they block the lorry’s wheels to ensure it doesn’t move while goods are being loaded or unloaded).